Friday, October 2, 2009

Copywriting Can Be Simple And Pleasurable!

Follow these simple tips to make your copywriting profitable and pleasurable:

1) Remember whom you are writing for

Your target audience decides your level, style and presentation. You can have a master copy but modify it to suit the audience.

2) Keep It Short And Simple

A simple writing is read by all, enjoyed by most and remembered by many.The best way to make an impression on the audience is to follow the rule: Use words to express (your ideas), not to impress (the readers). People who do the opposite invariably fail in both expressing their ideas and impressing their readers!

3) Pack the copy with Facts

People are interested in and are impressed by facts. Let your write up be filled with facts. Keep your opinions to the essential minimum, even if you are writing a review.

4) Use Creativity

This is not a suggestion for creating facts that are not there! Some creativity in writing style, expression, examples used etc. will make your copy interesting. When people smile involuntarily while reading a part of your essay, the chances are that they will start liking you and trusting you unconsciously.

5) Avoid Half-Truths and Guesses

Do not use any information or statistics unless you are convinced of their authenticity. You are not being fair to your readers if you do that. If you are quoting from some source, make it clear. Take care to ensure that your credibility is not strained by inadvertent lapses.

In short Copywriting is a lot more than a display of your Writing Skills.

1 comment:

  1. These tips are very great and useful. To develop creativity in writing skills, I think it would be best if you could attend copywriting courses.
